5 min read

What to do if you haven't secured your housemates for next year

19th March 2023
Last updated 26th January 2025

Finding housemates at university isn't always a straightforward process, especially if you haven't made friends within your first year student accommodation, or maybe you have met people but you can't imagine living with them.

Don't worry, there's likely many other students in your position, all searching for potential housemates for the next academic year. Here, we breakdown all the ways you can find people to live with - it's up to you to do the rest!

Don't rush!

Resist the temptation to sign up for accommodation with the first people you meet, as this could lead to a living arrangement where you don't get along with your housemates at all. Think about the type of people you'd like to share a space with. For example, how would you feel about sharing a flat with someone who loves to party?

We'd recommend asking any potential housemates questions about them and their lifestyles to see if they're the kind of person you'd be happy living with. Even if you don't plan on making friends with your housemates, it's still good to take your time and ensure you end up in a living arrangement that works for all of you.

Use social media

Don't underestimate the power of social media in your hunt for housemates. Try posting a quick message in an official university Facebook group and see what responses you get. Perhaps you could get creative and make an Instagram story or TikTok that advertises why you're the perfect housemate.

Even if you're not social media savvy, there are plenty of other ways to discover people to live with next academic year. The Student Room has a subforum dedicated to finding housemates, plus you've got websites like SpareRoom which are popular with students looking for extra housemates, or somewhere to stay. Who knows, next year's housemates could be popping up in your DM's at just the tap of a button!

Housemates COVER

Ask around

That being said, it's entirely possible that your future housemates could be sharing the same lecture hall. Have you thought about asking your coursemates what their plans are for next year? You might feel like everybody around you has already sorted out their accommodation but if you don't ask, then you'll never really know.

Other people you can ask include:

  • People staying at your current accommodation
  • Colleagues at your part-time student job
  • Fellow volunteers at university events.

Find people through societies

Joining societies is an excellent way to meet like-minded people at uni and the budding friendships that emerge could turn into the ideal living arrangement. For example, you already know that your fellow film society members won't mind you being up until the early morning watching a Shrek marathon (in fact, they'll join you!), so maybe they could be excellent housemates? Plus, it'll give you somebody to walk to and from society events with. Sounds great, right?


Let us help

If you don't mind not knowing exactly who your housemates are then why not let your friendly accommodation team do some matchmaking? For instance, say you're an incoming postgrad student who really wants to share with other postgrads. Once you've found your ideal student accommodation, let the team there know your preferences when you book. Depending on availability, they may be able to allocate you a room alongside other postgrads. Whilst you won't know their names until you arrive, you can feel comfortable knowing that you'll at least have something in common with your housemates come check-in day!

Are you and your new housemates ready to book next year's accommodation? Check out our locations and don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly property teams if you have any burning questions.

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