Resident Wellbeing Policy

We want you to have a positive living experience with us. Read on to find out about signposting, support, the role of our teams and more.

Resident Wellbeing Policy 1

Our Policy

At Student Roost, it is our mission to create safe and inclusive spaces to encourage all residents to feel comfortable and at home within their property. Student Roost teams will promote a positive living experience by encouraging healthy living throughout the academic year. Our Events and Engagement programme includes holding a diverse mix of events centred around mindfulness, exercise, developing life skills and introducing residents to the local community and environment. Our properties operate an open-door policy, and a team member is always available to provide guidance where required.

Student Roost team members receive regular training regarding resident wellbeing and supporting residents in distress. Student Roost have a central wellbeing team, along with  team members trained in mental health first aid within its properties, who can support in identifying a wellbeing concern and will signpost residents to the most suitable assistance, based on their needs. Our teams are not specialised mental health practitioners but will signpost to the most appropriate service available via the university, or organisations within the local area.  

What is ‘signposting’?

We talk about signposting a lot when it comes to wellbeing. This means giving someone information that they would benefit from, based on what they need. This could be providing contact information of a local organisation, showing them a leaflet, or a website, or putting them in touch with their university services. The information given as part of signposting, will depend on the concern of the resident.

What to do if you need support:

First of all, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Experiencing a change to your mental health can be a result of a new experience at university. These feelings or experiences should not be ignored. Student Roost encourage an open conversation about mental health, and although sometimes acknowledging the problem can be the scariest part, we recommend speaking to someone if you feel like you need support at any time. Support can be found in many different places, including our friends and family, and sometimes just a chat is enough to lighten the load, however, at Student Roost, we can help you access information, guidance and dedicated, specialist support provided specifically to residents, just like you.

Where you can find support:

If you feel comfortable talking to someone, our property team members are available 24/7 and can provide advice and support when you need it, as well as signposting you to specialist organisations and charities or university support. If you’d prefer not to talk just yet, you can download the Hub of Hope app by simply scanning the QR code on the posters throughout your property. From there, you can search for tailored support available in your area.

The role of our teams:

We are proud to say that Student Roost provides 24-hour service to all residents, and there is always a team member available to support you at the property. If you feel you need some additional support, our teams are able to listen to you and signpost you to where you can find the most suitable support for your needs. It is important to remember that our teams are not mental health specialists, and will not be able to act as such, but we encourage you to use their knowledge to find the best assistance available for you.


How to promote a positive living experience:

Help us help you. Here’s a couple of tips to help you get the most out of your stay.

  • Allocation preferences

We want to find you the perfect room for your stay, so if you have any preferences around your room, your neighbours or your flatmates – let us know! We’ll do our best to allocate you a room which will encourage the best living experience for you. Our allocations are based on a first-come, first-served basis so please let us know as early as possible for any specific preferences.

  • Get involved

There are plenty of opportunities to meet other residents in your property, including the wide range of events taking place at your property throughout the year, where we encourage everyone to get involved. Our events cover everything from socialising to looking after your mind and body and are completely free for our residents to access.

  • Get to know the team

Our property teams are there to support you from when you first book with us, all the way through to your graduation, so get to know them! They can help with any queries you have and are there to make sure you get the most out of your stay, so don’t be a stranger.

  • Live healthy

Our properties have access to wonderful facilities that are there to make your stay more comfortable. Whether this be outside space to relax in, a quiet study room or a gym to burn off some steam, utilise your property (and the local community) to put yourself first and take a break from your studies.
