A fulfilling uni experience is as much about making memories and friendships as it is about the studying. At Student Roost, we aim to provide an environment that enriches your student experience from year to year, so we were happy to hear from Aberdeen resident and second year student Abbie who shared her story of her time at Pittodrie Street so far.
Name: Abbie
Roost: Pittodrie Street
In her own words, Abbie tells all about the magic moments, onsite support and special friendships that have made her time at Pittodrie Street memorable for all the right reasons.
Pittodrie Street is a really nice place to live - genuinely, living here has been fab. Everybody who lives here is really nice, I've not had a single bad experience last year or this year with anybody who lives here or the staff --- everyone is super lovely. It's really comfortable and easy to get on with people.
Two of my closest friends and I ended up moving out at the end of April, and immediately the three of us were like, 'it's not the same, it feels really cut off, if we don't feel like we're happy here [then] I think we should move back'. One of my friends ending up staying in a different flat, but my other friend and I ended up moving back for our second year and just being able to do it again... I associate these rooms and this space and this building with a uni experience and that's so important to me and my friends.
Through the grapevine, all our mutual friends who all live in different flats in the building, decided to buy tickets for pub golf. We were like ‘let’s go to the next bar on the crawl because it’s so crowded in here’ and we were so lucky because we got in just before it got busy, we managed to get this hidden couple of tables in this nook of the bar where there was a pool table and a couple of comfy seats and an arcade game. And I remember being sat there with one of my friends, looking around, there must have been 20 of us, and everyone was getting along and having a laugh. And it was like ‘these are my friends’ but also like they live in the same building as me, I can see them whenever I want! It was just a really wholesome experience, doing the things you wanted to do for the past year that you couldn’t, being able to sit and be like ‘oh this is actually happening, I’m at the pub with all my friends and we’re all having a fun time and we all look ridiculous!’
The staff here are there for you, they’re a listening ear and so lovely. I don’t think I’m the only one who tells them about my life problems, they give really good advice. Also, when I had COVID it was immediately, ‘What do you need us to do? If you need anything, just phone or email’.
Closer to the end of the year, unfortunately there was a clash in the flat – it was dealt with really well, we sat down with one of the staff members here and it was over like that, it was completely sorted and it went back to being completely normal. I don’t think that would have happened 1) if we didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell the staff ‘we need a bit of help’ and 2) if they hadn’t been so attentive. Especially in that situation, that’s the one that sticks out the most, they were so on top of it and so lovely.
I'm from Edinburgh and moved up [to Aberdeen] completely on my own, I didn’t know anyone prior to moving here, so I was super lucky to be put in a flat where I can see myself being friends with them for a very long time, if not for life. My closest friends were in that flat, I’m still close with them and now I live with one of them again in a different flat with all girls, it’s just been fab. There’s nine of us, we’ve been out together and all spoken about how lucky we are. Of all the people we could have been put in a flat with, we got nine really lovely people. Again, hit the jackpot with that one!
One of my closest friends said something to me, ‘I actually can’t imagine living anywhere without you now. I imagine it one day it being me, my husband and you – I can’t imagine us not being together’. I remember thinking that’s hilarious, it’s funny, but also I didn’t think it was possible to get on with someone so well after only knowing them for a month or two.
Would you like to share your own experience? We want to hear from you. Whether you’re a returning resident like Abbie or not, drop us a DM on Instagram or Twitter to get started and we'll be in touch. Or why not share your best Roost and uni moments with us on TikTok? And remember, if you're still looking for next year's accommodation, we're more than room.