How can I communicate my accessibility or additional needs with you?

We're committed to every resident's experience of living with us being the best it can possibly be. Find out more here.

We understand that some students will require accessible rooms or adjustments to ensure a safe, positive living experience at Student Roost. We’ve made it easy for you to tell us exactly what you need from us and your home.

How do I request an accessible room?

During the first part of the booking process, there is the option to request an accessible room. This enables our property teams to find the most suitable room for you that meets all your needs.

Accessible room request

How do I let you know about additional requirements?

There is a dedicated ‘Additional information’ section during the booking process, which allows you to make a note of your living preferences and any additional requirements you might need. Once you have completed your booking, your property team will be able to see the information you have added and allocate you a room based on your preferences.

What kind of information should I add in the additional information section?

This can be anything that will help to make your living experience the best it can be for you.

Some regular requests we see include:

  • A floor preference, for example “I want to be placed in a flat on the 8th floor”.
  • Requests to be placed in a same gender flat, for example “I would like to be placed in a female/male flat”.
  • Requests to be placed in a flat with students in the same year, for example “I would like to be with first year/third year/postgraduate only students.”
  • Requests to be placed according to religious beliefs.

Are additional requests guaranteed?

Our property teams will try to accommodate additional requests wherever they can, however these cannot be guaranteed. We’ll certainly try to satisfy your request, though!
