Feedback and Complaints Policy

We hope you have the best experience living with Student Roost and encourage honest feedback. Fill in our form here.

Feedback and Complaints Policy 1

We understand that sometimes things might go a little wrong…

We do everything we can to make sure our customers have the best experience living with Student Roost. However, we also understand that sometimes things might go a little wrong…

We welcome all feedback and encourage our customers to speak honestly about what it’s like to live with us. We believe this enables us to constantly improve our service and create the best environment for our customers. So, if you would like to submit feedback, please follow the below steps:

  1. The more we know, the better – so record as much detail as you can. Where possible, this should include specific dates, time scales, and the people involved.
  2. Use our Feedback Form to submit all your information. You will receive a response confirming your form has been received and escalated to the Property Manager or the most relevant team member.
  3. An investigation will take place where required, and you will receive a response within 5 working days.
  4. You can discuss the outcome of your feedback with the Property Manager and if further investigation or escalation is required, this will be arranged.
Student Roost's Feedback Form

Please note: Student Roost is ANUK accredited. As part of their National Code, ANUK will act as arbiter for any queries that require further escalation.

If your feedback or complaint is regarding Fire Safety in your building, please contact [email protected]
