We hope your experience of living with us is happy and stress-free. However, in the event of something going wrong, here's what to do.
We hope your experience of living with us is a positive one, free from any issues or complaints.
However, we understand that on occasion, residents may need to bring something to our attention beyond a maintenance request.
We recommend chatting to your property team in the first instance, as a resolution may be reached in shorter time if you speak directly to them.
Alternatively, our dedicated Feedback Form allows you to submit details of any complaint you may have, or even simply observations or suggestions to help us to make adjustments to your living environment and experience.
Please allow 5 working days for a response to your complaint or feedback. Where necessary, an investigation will be undertaken and we will endeavour to provide clear and regular updates.
Want to learn more? Take a look at our Feedback and Complaints Policy.