Student Life
5 min read

A guide to getting the most out of your study session

26th January 2023
Last updated 21st January 2025

University can be nerve-wracking at the best of times, with exams to revise for and essay deadlines to meet. You may feel like the answer is locking yourself in your room and working non-stop the day before - yet, there is a better way!

Study survival guide

Check out our handy guide for top tips on how to get the most out of your study sessions and ensure that you look after your wellbeing in the process.

Understand your learning style

Our top uni revision tip is to identify your learning style. Maybe you're a visual learner who enjoys watching videos on their subject, or perhaps you need to listen to your lectures on recap to commit information to memory? According to the VARK model, there are four different types of learning styles. These learning styles are:

  • Type #1: Visual Learners
  • Type #2: Auditory Learners
  • Type #3: Reading & Writing Learners
  • Type #4: Kinesthetic Learners

Understanding your learning style can help you to study smarter rather than harder. It may also introduce you to revision techniques that you've never tried before, which may ultimately help you achieve your revision goals. You can take the VARK quiz here.

Top tips to get the most out of your study session

Find the right study environment

Now you've established how you best study, the next question is where? One of the keys to effective studying is finding a good location to do it in. Many students prefer revising at their university library - be it with friends or independently. You may even consider booking a private study room in advance! Prefer working from the comfort of your own room? You might want to consider this when booking your student accommodation for the next academic year.

Alternatively, why not utilise a study space designed with you in mind? Here at Student Roost, many of our properties come with access to dedicated study spaces that provide the best atmosphere for revising, plus all the facilities you need for an effective study session. Check out our locations to find your ideal study environment.

Start studying early

The best way to revise for uni exams is to start studying early. Avoid the temptation to leave revising until the night before, as it can be stressful trying to cram all your uni revision into one night! Perhaps you find that time blocking helps you break down your study plan? Maybe you enjoy giving yourself a target word count to hit each day? Regardless, leaving yourself enough time to complete your tasks can help reduce the anxiety that surrounds uni exams by giving you that all-important time to prepare!

Try these five revision techniques for an effective study session:

  • Time blocking
  • The Pomodoro Technique
  • Blurting
  • Reviewing mock exams/past papers
  • Leitner system (flashcards)

Make use of study apps

Studying can be fun and easy, if you make use of your phone's app store. Whether you need an incentive for studying (think Forest, which plants trees when you stay focused) or a way to organise your notes into helpful study tools (try Quizlet, which makes physical flashcards history), there is truly an app to suit every student's needs. Most should be free but be conscious that some apps may cost or require a subscription that you may need to budget for.

Check out these five apps to help you ace your uni revision:

  • Notion: a note-taking platform
  • Todoist: helps to manage deadlines
  • Evernote: capture notes in any format
  • My Study Life: schedule organiser
  • Mango: great for language learning

Eat well and stay hydrated

All the revision techniques in the world are ineffective if you don't take care of yourself. Getting a good night's sleep, eating a balanced diet (sorry, no takeaways every night) and staying hydrated are all easier said than done, but they do help keep you fit, healthy and ready to tackle your uni exams.

Similarly, looking after your mental health is equally as vital, especially when it comes to exam season. Be realistic with your study goals, take time to recharge and ask for help from your tutor if you're struggling to cope with the pressure. Currently staying with us? Finding that your mental health is affecting your studies? Access the Hub of Hope app - a national mental health database that can signpost you to relevant mental health services near you.

Now you're all set for a successful study session, why not follow us on social media for more study tips? Check us out on InstagramTwitter and TikTok @StudentRoostUK.

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