So, you've selected a property and room and you're ready to make your booking. What next?
It’s never been easier to book a room at one of our properties. If you’re new to Student Roost, follow the steps below to help you through the booking process.
Looking to rebook your room for another year? Take a look at our guide on how to book as a returning resident.
Follow our easy booking guide below and get ready to start your university journey with us.
If you are booking with us for the first time, you’ll need to register.
Make sure you enter all the information correctly, so that when you accept your booking and arrive at the property, we have the right information for you. We would advise using your personal email address rather than your university email address for creating an account.
Top tip: keep a note of your username and password so you can easily log in to accept your offer, complete your personal information, and find out more about
your booking.
When making your booking, you have the option to make additional requests to ensure your living experience is exactly how you want it.
Additional requests can be anything from which floor you’d prefer your flat to be on, if you’d rather be placed in a same gender or mixed gender flat, or if you
want to be in a first or third year flat only.
Our property teams will try to accommodate your requests as much as possible. There’s also the option to book an accessible room, by ticking the ‘Request an
accessible room’ button.
You can choose to pay monthly, termly, or annually on all room types.
If you choose monthly or termly, you will see a breakdown of payment dates and amounts when you log into your Student Roost portal after accepting your offer,
so you know what is due and when.
If you decide to pay annually, then once you make your payment, that’s it! Remember to choose the best payment option for you and don’t hesitate to speak to your property team if you are facing financial difficulties during your stay.
Once you have completed your booking, you will receive an email confirming the details and instructions on how to accept your offer of accommodation.
Remember when we said to keep a note of your log in details? You’ll need them now to log in and accept the offer!
Once you’ve accepted, then your room is yours unless you cancel within the cooling off period or need to request a cancellation. Find out more information on cancelling your booking.
You'll see a prompt to make an Advanced Rent Payment at the point of booking. Find out what this means here.
From en-suites to studios, we have a range of room types to choose from. Discover the differences to make your choice.
If you have a preference, for example living with other international students, you can certainly request this. Find out more.