What is a guarantor?

You may have been asked to be the guarantor for a student who plans to live with us. Find out what that means for you.

Being a guarantor

A guarantor is a person who takes on the financial responsibility of a tenancy if a resident is unable to make their payment on time. This relates to rent and any other payments connected to the accommodation. Unless you’re also listed as an emergency contact, your obligation as a guarantor is purely financial, and you will only be contacted about payments.

1. Who needs a guarantor?

As part of making a booking, we ask every customer to nominate a guarantor, regardless of if they have chosen to pay in full or in instalments. They are asked to provider their guarantor’s full name, their relationship to the guarantor, and the guarantor’s contact information.

2. Who can be a guarantor?

To be accepted as a guarantor, you must meet the following criteria:
- Over the age of 18 years of age.
- Not a student.
- In full time employment and either a homeowner or renting accommodation.

To be a guarantor, you do not need a UK address; we accept international guarantors.

3. What does a guarantor need to do?

Once a prospective resident has made a booking, and nominated you to be their guarantor, you will receive an email with a link to our guarantee agreement, which is housed within DocuSign. Through DocuSign, you will be asked to sign an online agreement and upload a form of ID. Guarantee agreements and the accompanying documentation must be submitted within 14 days of a booking being made. * If your agreement has not been returned, this may affect the booking.

4. When will I be contacted?

You may receive payment reminders confirming when a payment is due. We will also contact you when a payment has not been received within seven days of the payment due date.

5. Can I make a payment on behalf of a resident?

The easiest and quickest way to make a payment is through the student’s online account. If they are unable to make payment through their online account, please speak to the property team directly.

6. I am the guarantor for someone who has lived at Student Roost before. 

Do I need to submit documents again? Yes, new agreements are required for each booking, as the agreements are only for one academic year.
